SUPAFLU ia a unique and effective
method of lining or relining masonry chimneys. By using the "cast
in place" technique, the Supaflu system actually eliminates the need to
tear down and rebuild a deteriorating chimney, particularly ideal for restoration
work. Because there is no need to tear down and rebuild, real cost
savings are substantial.
Designed to withstand extremly high temperatures
without cracking or breaking down, Supaflu
is a propriety light-weight material factory blended for cast-in-place
application when mixed with water at the job site. The mix is manufactured
undered strict quality control standards insuring both reliabilty and consistency.
A Supaflu installed liner is an excellent insulator
against excessive and dangerous heat transfer from the chimney to surrounding
structure. It is a better insulator than any other kind of flu liner
currently available. It's high insulating property keeps flue gasses
hot and bouyant for rapid escape. Condensation resulting in the build-up
of creosote and soot in the flue is significantly retarded. Because
the outer chimney surface stays cool, the risk of igniting a fire around
the chimney is minimized.
As it is poured in place, the liquified Supaflu
lining material fills in all cracks, crevices and pores that may be present
in the existing flue. This tight, virtually perfect seal stops the
leakage of toxic flue gasses into the living area. If a chimney fire
suddenly develops, it can easily be suffocated by shutting off the dampers
on the connected heating appliance and chimney connections totally denying
the fresh air all fires require.
As the Supaflu liner is poured and cured filling
cracks and seperations within the chimney structure, brick joints are also
reinforced and locked in place. The result is not only a more efficient
and safer chimney, it is a structurallysound chimney regardless of the
original condition.
SUPAFLU BEATS the "Freeze-Thaw" Cycle
Nothing is more damaging to masonry construction
than the "freeze-thaw" cycle so prevalent in most of the northern hemisphere.
This natural phenomenon is responsible for most damage to highways, bridges
and similar structures. Laboratory have found Supaflu to be highly
resistant to such damage. When subject to continuing freeze and thaw
cycles, Supraflu material displayed no signs of surface deterioration.
The proprietary Supaflu formula contains absolutely
no asbestos and is free from any ingredients that might tend to cause corrosion
or deterioration in either the chimney structure itself or attached heating